Holy Week Poems

As we enter Holy Week 2020 in a time of coronavirus, may these poems bless and strengthen you.

The free PDF has been restored for the season but the promised inclusion of images to complement the poems has yet to be done (but some revisions were done Apr 2022).

Holy Week Poems, A Chapbook_Rev 6

I will leave the link to a few that are published online for your continued reading pleasure:

Palm Sunday:The Ekphrastic Review, Jesus Was a Man of Color

Holy Monday: The Linnet’s Wings, Somewhere under the waxing moon (page 85)

Holy Tuesday: Songs of Eretz Poetry Review, Preparation Day

Passover: Labyrinthine Passages, The Man with the Pitcher of Water

Maundy Thursday: American Diversity Report, Night of the Lyrids

Good Friday: The Linnet’s Wings, Gethsemane (page 87)

Holy Saturday: Plough (online), Lentils & Rice

Resurrection Sunday: American Diversity Report, My stories are hungry*

* Nominated for the 2020 Rhysling Poetry Award

[This award is curated by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association and is a premier organization championing speculative poetry. I am also pleased to say that my poem about prayer, Butterfly Effect, was a 2015 contender. (See below)]