Tupelo Press 30/30 Project 2014

Summary: I have the honor of being one of nine poets for the month of March 2014 to write a poem-a-day for the Tupelo Press 30/30 Project in an effort to raise funds for this worthy small press. I hope you will help. See below.

Great Independent literary publishers (like Tupelo Press) focus on publishing literature, providing access to many voices. These presses produce over 98% of poetry being published each year, and the majority of literature in translation, as well as fiction written by emerging writers. Independent literary publishers connect writers with readers. Sadly, they remain unknown to most of the public and nonprofit literary publishers, as a whole, have been grossly neglected and marginalized.

Access to creative literature is put ahead of cost, but this requires your support. So, please support the work of independent literary publishers. You, the reader will benefit from the evolving literary heritage.

(The above is adapted/condensed from “Why Support Independent Literary Publishing?” By Jeffrey Lependorf, Executive Director Council of Literary Magazines and Presses)

As a gift to you, nine celebrated writers commit their time to you by writing a poem every day for a month in the 30/30 Project. I consider it a privilege to do this. In return, I am asking for your help in meeting my fundraising goals. I do not get one penny of your generous contributions.

Of course, any amount is appreciated, and it is tax-exempt (see the donation page), but depending on the level of your purchases, they could be applied toward that donation directly to Tupelo Press (but that you would make in my name). For example, if you join Tupelo Press’ subscription series for $99 you’ll get receive nine (9) books, mailed to you, postage-paid, throughout the year. They can be from any series from 2011 to 2014, inclusive, or you can put together your own selection of books. Specifics on the collections are found here. Normally, these books when individually purchased would be around $17 each plus a few dollars shipping. I think it’s a great deal to put contemporary poetry in your hands, which in turn, you could use as great holiday and personal gifts.

In addition to the things mentioned above, I will provide additional perks depending on your contribution level:

1) I will post the backstory to the poem on this interactive website/blog for the poems I write for this project (see navigation bar for subpages titled by the day in March).
2) For a $10 donation to Tupelo Press in my name, I will critique a poem (40 lines or less).
3) For a $20 donation to Tupelo Press in my name, I will critique a poem (41-100 lines).
4) For a $50 donation to Tupelo Press in my name, I will critique a poem (50 lines or less) and write a poem in your honor.
5) For $100 donation* to Tupelo Press in my name, I will tailor make a PowerPoint Presentation on some aspect of creative writing (poetry) and at the level you desire suitable for at least a one-hour presentation.
6) For $250 donation* to Tupelo Press in my name, I will conduct a 3-hour workshop on the craft of writing and/or one in generating first drafts for up to 20 people.
7) For $400 donation* to Tupelo Press in my name, I will edit a chapbook length collection of poems, including sequencing suggestions.
8) For $500 donation* to Tupelo Press in my name, I will do item 4 or 5 in person (provided my travel expenses are covered.

Sincerest Thanks,
John C. Mannone

*If you subscribe to the Series, you can choose to take advantage of these additional benefits I provide, which I have extended throughout the month of April 2014.

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